Wellness and Recovery for Substance Abuse

When we abuse substances, we lose our way from who we are and our roots in our community and traditions. We need healing that brings us back to ourselves and our connectedness and belonging. The Wellness and Recovery Team strives to create a supportive and stigma-free environment to walk the path of recovery. Services offered include level-of-care assessments, daily outpatient treatment, Medication-Assisted Treatment, Contingency Management, and referrals to residential treatment when appropriate.

Treatment services for substance use are offered by Certified or Registered staff, supervised by a Licensed mental health provider. Culturally sensitive treatment modalities are utilized to provide individual and group substance use counseling. Recovery groups are provided daily (Monday through Friday) and are available virtually. The team also provides talking circles in the jail and outreach to incarcerated patients.

Treatment Programs

Several treatment programs are available, and clients may be enrolled in more than one program.

90-day Outpatient Treatment Program

This outpatient program is designed to provide structure and support for clients that do not need residential treatment. The program consists of daily recovery groups (Monday-Friday) and individual substance use counseling. A treatment plan can also include individual therapy and psychiatry if needed, making it tailored to the unique needs of the individual client.

Medication-Assisted Treatment Program (MAT)

Patients struggling with Opioid-Use Disorder and Alcohol-Use Disorder can benefit from treatment services that include using medications to treat these conditions. The Medication-Assisted Treatment Program (MAT) is a comprehensive treatment program that includes  Nurse case management, a weekly treatment support group, individual substance use counseling, and psychiatric and therapy treatment for those with co-occurring mental health conditions.

Contingency Management for Methamphetamine Use Program (CM)

Contingency Management (CM) is a promising practice for addressing Methamphetamine-Use Disorder. The program aims to create a supportive, stigma-free environment for clients seeking recovery through positive reinforcement with incentives. This program is a cutting-edge way to support persons in building a life without substance use.

ASAM Assessment

Patients requesting Wellness and Recovery Services are evaluated using the American Society of Addiction Medicine Assessment for levels of care. This assessment will provide the team with critical information for treatment planning.

Residential Substance Abuse Treatment

When residential rehabilitation services are deemed necessary, the Wellness and Recovery Team can help with placement in a facility. This determination is based on the ASAM assessment for level of care placement and the clinical team’s recommendations. A counselor may help with completing and submitting the application and treatment placement.